Virtual Riot at Roseland Theater

Roseland Theater, Portland, Oregon



If you think you have the time to put off getting tickets to see Virtual Riot live on Saturday 12th February 2022 at the fan-favorite Roseland Theater in Portland, Oregon, then you are very wrong. Because even now, fans of unforgettable techno and electronic music are flooding the box-offices to make sure they get their tickets to be in attendance for this fantastic appearance. If you don’t want to miss out on what fans are calling possibly the best show of 2022, then you still have the opportunity to secure your tickets before they run out. All you have to do is click the Buy Tickets button below while tickets last. Just remember, Virtual Riot won’t stay in Portland for long and once the tickets run out, they are gone for good.

Virtual Riot at Roseland Theater

Here’s a well-known fact for the techno admirers in Portland and the surroundings – since its very opening, Roseland Theater has been upholding its commitment to deliver nothing but the leading performances in the state. The venue has quickly become a go-to place for the genuine local and visiting techno patrons and never fails to prove its mighty image again and again. The mesmerizing lighting show, viewy performance by world-renowned artists on stage and unbeaten sound system are just a small part of the hall’s excellent perks. Explore all of them by hitting the Buy Ticket button, joining the exalted crowd for an unforgettable night of joy.

Virtual Riot at Roseland Theater



Virtual Riot

Roseland Theater

About the Venue

roseland theater

Roseland Theater

8 NW 6th Avenue, Portland, Oregon, 97209, United States